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Monday, January 7, 2008
Do You Think...What's In It For Me?
I wrote a post months ago, titled Pay it Forward. I asked if anyone can or does a good deed without getting anything in return. Doing something because you really wanted to. So many people look out only for themselves. They aren't interested in doing a favor or helping someone without thinking, "what's in it for me".
Today I had a meeting and had to park in a lot which charged by the hour. Not knowing how long I would be, I paid at the automatic machine for 4 hours.
You enter the parking space number, slide your debit or credit card through the slot and grab your receipt.
Well, my meeting went smoothly. In fact, it lasted for only half hour. Walking back into the lot, I noticed a woman at the parking machine just about ready to pay. I told her she can have my spot, since I paid for another 3 1/2 hours.
The look on her face was priceless! She said, are you kidding me? No, I said, you can have the spot. She thanked me and we went on our way.
Getting in my car, I realized I did something for someone without thinking about it. Just offered kindness without thinking about getting something in return. Let me tell you it's a great feeling. I couldn't help but smile...
I guess you can say I did get something from this act of kindness. The feeling of happiness... doing something for someone I didn't even know just because I want to. It did make me feel good...can that count as getting something in return?

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What you have done, is rare in todays society because of our upbringing. Keeping selfinterest away from any act is really difficult even big people or rich people who donated alot of money ,in most of cases they do or done that for fame,name.True and honest giver is difficult to find....I would say 100 out of 10...
Again,I would say doing small charity or showing kindness is still possible but when it cost your monthly budegt you would ignore it..Suppose you are not that affluent then you have to do same act,would you do then?Cabdriver can't show same kindness or I would say it is difficult for him to do same act as you do...In some cases people want to do some kind act but due to their limitation they dont able to do and some cases its plain selfishness.In your case you done so because you could feel and think even for strangers its highest form of kindness...
Keep it up...I hope you are same inside and outside...
Yeah, it sure does count as 'receiving something in return'. A small act of kindness always benefits both the giver as well as the receiver, and might just be the small gesture that started way more that day..
How knows what positive things that woman did that day because you brightened up her day, even if it was for just a short while?
For you, yeah, feeling that happiness is getting something in return. But that wasn't your initial intention, right? And that's what counts!!!
You really did a nice thing, good for you!!
Thanks for sharing this uplifting story,
What you say is true, but it would be great if more people just did a simple act of kindness without putting much thought into it. Just did something nice for someone else. It would make this world a better place. Thank you for your kind words.
Hello Ellen,
As I was writing that post it did occur to me that I did get something from my actions (happiness), but as I was offering up my paid parking space, I didn't think twice.
I truly felt good doing something unexpected for someone else. I guess her surprised look and smile were bonuses...
Thank you for your kind words. I didn't share this story for any pats on the back, just to make others realize it's in the small gestures and acts of kindness that matter and more people should be kinder. Happiness follows...
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