A place to inspire, motivate and encourage by providing posts on self improvement, health, family, women (and men), life, prayer, poems, quotes of wisdom and share ideas about life.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Thank you Fellow Entrecard Droppers
I wanted to say that thanks to Entrecard, I have been receiving more traffic, quality comments and been introduced to some mighty fine people. Who by the way, author some great blogs.
Thank you to the below for being my top droppers and providing my 'card' with the most clicks from their site. I truly appreciate it.
Dark is Easy
Labor Liberator
Yimto Affiliate Marketing Blog
The Big Bald Blog
John Is Fit
Momma Muse
Survive High School
What Have You-Nursing Research & More
My sense and sensibility, including my non-senses
Dandelions and daydreams
Brain Foggles
Rice for Poor
The Tall Poppy
Discovering Your Intunique
Mind, Body & Soul

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You are welcome!
I am not sure I knew you were on there. I am just now figuring it out as I haven't had much time and when I've been there sometimes it wasn't working. They seem faster the last day or so though so my fingers are crossed.
Hi John,
I truly appreciate your visits and I'm happy to have found you and your blog.
I'll look for you also. I'm not always giving Entrecard the time I should. There's jsut not enough time in the day to do everything.
Have a great weekend.
thank you for the link! :)
Thanks for the shout out! :) Don't worry about not dropping as much lately.. time gets away from us all.
You are very welcome!
Thanks for stopping by. Time does have a way of escaping. There just doesn't seem like enough hours in the day!
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