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Saturday, February 16, 2008
Actions Do Speak Louder Than Words
I was forced to open my eyes to a situation and accept it, even though it hurts like hell.
Acceptance...sometimes can be a hard thing for someone to do. I believe I did not want to accept what someone was telling me because at the same time, I was being told something else. I was also refusing to accept because I wanted something different. I suddenly realized that the old saying...Actions speak louder than words, came into play.
Sometimes acceptance is looked upon as weak or passive. Accepting a situation may make you feel like you condone a situation, but it is quite the opposite. Accepting a situation can allow you to have a lighter heart, allow you to move forward. Acceptance can allow you to see the truth.
Even if your aceptance involves someone that may have hurt you. In reality, they are hurting themselves. With acceptance comes forgiveness. When you forgive someone that may have hurt you, you free up your awareness. You become free of others. You take back your power from them. If you do not forgive, you hold on to the memory and carry the baggage.
Why can't you forgive? Ego comes into play. Our ego doesn't like to be hurt or humiliated, so you may hold onto the memory. Forgiveness shifts the memory from the past to the present and makes it easier to deal with.
I guess all our experiences helps our growth because we have to find the lessons. If we can find the lesson, we can let go of the experience or hurt.
If we can see those you may have caused hurt through the eyes of truth, we can understand how much of the hurt came from our own misconception about who they really are or what they would or could do for you.
I'm still hurting, so I guess I haven't found my lesson in this situation yet. But, I am working on it....

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Take the time you need for the gaping wound to heal...forgiveness will come in its own time. Be kind to yourself in this difficult situation.
Is everything ok with you?......
Hi Robin,
Thanks for stopping by with your added support. As you are already aware this situation has diminished and lessons have been learned. You were a great help...
Hi Ajay,
Thanks for your concern. I'm just fine. A bad day and hurt feelings. It's all straightened out. My blog sometimes is a release for me and with friends like you and Robin, makes any rough day alittle brighter.
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