My regular readers are aware that I have been recuperating from an illness over the last 2 months. I had been away from my blogs for about a month. As I begin to feel better, I am getting back to my blogs...writing regularly and trying to keep up. I wanted to first start on providing content and information...
The one thing I have failed to do is respond to the many comments I have received on posts. I am not trying to be rude, nor am I wanting to offend anyone. I truly appreciate and am thankful for the visits and comments left by visitors.
I wanted to apologize to anyone who may have felt slighted or ignored. The importance of my readers is very high and although I have not practiced what I have preached about 'following through', I just have been taking one step at a time to get back to my once normal routine.
I will make it a goal TODAY to answer ALL comments. Please bear with me on this journey of recovery.
Thanks in advance for your understanding.

You are too good and honest person that if anybody suspects your intention then that person should not call himself as your friend like me........
You are so sweet. Thank you.
Since you brought to my attention my lateness in replying to you, I wondered if others felt the same way. I didn't want people to think I was being rude or simply just ignoring their visit.
I really do appreciate my visitors and the friends I have been meeting.
Well...I appreciate you! I found your blog just by 'scanning' various others, and i thought your's was so well written, and covered a great variety of topics, that I figured i'd share the love and place it on my frong page!
It took me a few posts to learn about your illness, and I just wanted to offer up, an "I'm sorry you were going through that". You seem like a wonderful woman. The internet has a fabulous way of connecting those people.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks...just got home from having my last test done and all went well. Healing is happening...
Anyway, I enjoyed your blog also and added your site under my favorite reads. Thank you for adding me as well.
Enjoy the weekend.
Blessings to you
Wish you fully recovery. You can do it, my friend.
Wish you have a wonderful and happy life.
Thank you so very much! All the well wishes have truly helped and I appreciate them so much.
I am just about back 100% and now able to enjoy this wonderful weather!
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