According to there are 215 million cell phones users in the United States and that number continues to rise. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2006 that 1,600,000 emergency room patients could not provide contact information because they were incapacitated.
Imagine how many younger children and teens carry cell phones, but do not have identification on them.
The ICE campaign actually started in the UK and then spread to the US informing individuals how important it is to have emergency contact information in your cell phone. Putting the word ICE into you contact list with the person you would want contacted in case of emergency. Since this is global, emergency workers and hospitals are now aware and can easily reach someone in case of an emergency situation.
Now taking this campaign one step further, an ICE sticker is now available. This sticker can be attached to the back of your phone, making it much easier to find emergency information. This saves valuable time of someone trying to figure out where your ICE number is within your phone or if you even have it .
Get involved and make sure you acquire this ICE sticker at At the very least, enter your emergency contact information in your phone right now.
That's a good might never know what will happen.
Hello haney,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I agree. It is a good campaign and one never knows when an emergency number might be needed.
This is one way we all can help ourselves and our loved ones.
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