This may sound silly or illogical to some, but I have a pet peeve with "labels".... being on fruits and vegetables

It has now grown to include products as well.
It happened again...not once, but three times in one day...after doing my food shopping, I return home, put most things away.
I now have to battle the removal of labels from certain items I purchased. Very frustrating...
So tell me...why do you think it is necessary to have a label on fruits, vegetables and products? You know the kind I'm talking about...the label that refuses to come off. By the time you remove that tiny label off any fruit--you have either bruised it, poked your fingernail through it or took a piece out of it...great...
Now I need to remove a large circular label that is smack in the middle of the "non-stick" frying pan. Of course it wasn't a label that can be easily removed --the type that has the rubberized glue on the back. No, it has to be the label that comes off in pieces and leaves glue resin. Any scratches to this non-stick pan will cause damage, right? do I remove it? I soak the pan. After what seems like an hour, using a wooden spoon I scrapped and scrapped til the label is gone.
Next project.... the organizer I bought has a label... top center...I have to try to get that off without scratching the material and still have the organizer look new. Of course I can't soak this label, so I peel and peel...tiny pieces at a time, rubbing the remaining label and any glue off till my hand hurts.
Eventually the projects are done....
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to remove these labels? This peeve is something I'd love to be without...
hey - your entry is really funny and actually I never thought of posting it but this is one of my pet peeves too :) The labels on your pots can be removed with vegetable oil - really, its that simple BUT I really hate when they put that damn label on the tomato or on a plum or an apricot!! whats with that?? you have to cut out the portions that are in your way too much ;)
Thank you for sharing.I will certainly try the vegetable oil trick. I am so glad I am not alone with this peeve and you do 'GET IT' about the fruits and vegetables! What IS up with that?!
The reason they put labels on the produce is so the cashier can key in the code that is on the label. Some cashiers know them by heart and this is a cashiers challenge, knowing what fruit is what. There are dozens of different types of apples, so it is hard to remember which one is which. They are all in the computer, so then the cashier types in the code and the scale weights the fruit and knows how much to charge per LB or whatever. I know it is a pain, but it does make a cashiers life easier. Sometimes they have a cheat sheet nearby, and now even some of the fancier stores have a picture look up option on the computer screen so the cashier can match the picture to the fruit. Just say'n.... Thanks,
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