A place to inspire, motivate and encourage by providing posts on self improvement, health, family, women (and men), life, prayer, poems, quotes of wisdom and share ideas about life.

Thursday, June 21, 2007
I've been Tagged !!
Thanks Lyn...you are my first...tag that is!
Her other incredible blogs are:
lynda's loft
writing for the hell of it
heavenly inclinations
it's a woman's world
life line 101
the G(gentleman's)spot
It is the 8 Random Facts meme, and, goes as follows....I have to post these rules;
1: Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves which others do not know about them.
2: People who are tagged need to write in their own blog and post these rules.
3: At the end of your 8 random facts post, you must select 8 more people and leave a message at their site that they have been tagged....
Ok, here goes: 8 random facts about me, Andrea
1. I used to work in the music industry: 6 yrs in security, then 5 yrs with a promoter
2. I am friends with a few major celebrities
3. I am afraid of heights
4. I have one son who is 29 1/2 yrs old
5. I'm like a sponge...reading everything, thirsty for knowledge
6. My baby is actually my 3 yr old, 120 lb black lab/shepherd
7. My nicknames are: Sunshine, Ang, Polly and Trouble
8. My 'calming' place is the beach
Well, there you have some facts about me...I choose the following people to be tagged:
Cris Zimermann virtual entrepreneur
Bo bowrag's blog
Sindy and to think
Debojit Chowdhury Free Life Coaching Course
Robert Revellian
Dorid the radula
Mike New2Blog.com
Halil peopleized

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thanks. as a matter of fact, I was tagged with this a couple days ago :) you can see it here:
This is insane, I just tagged you! Maybe I made an error but I just posted 8 things on my Revellian blog:)LOL
Great... Glad I was tagged. Now I have to think of 8 facts and do the leg work... Not sure I know 8 other sites.. haha
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