One of my friends is Bart, who is truly an angel. He has lifted my spirits when I was feeling low, blue or just out of sorts. His kind words, uplifting friendship and his beautiful poems have been an inspiration. One day Bart, I will get to California and take you up on that visit..*smiles
I hope you enjoy his poem as much as I do....

In Bart's own words:
I have felt the spirit of poetry since I was a child, writing myself notes and rhymes. After years of collecting little notes, journaling and composing poetry for the women in my life, I finally collected and published the most compelling and close to my heart.
I am an artist, poet and songwriter with my own music production and publishing companies. I have been producing award-winning art for celebrities, musicians and corporate clients for more than 15 years. Through my five books and daily Poems of the Day here on myspace, my poetry is read by friends and fans all over the world.
~ Bartoluciano

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