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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Does Your Motivation for Exercise Dwindle?

If you're like me, you sometimes loose motivation to exercise. With summer quickly approaching, the thought of going shopping for a new bathing suit can bring on the blues. You know what I mean... Going into the dressing room at your favorite store can turn a good day into a terrible one real quick.

We all want and should make exercise part of our daily routine. Exercise should not be only for weight loss or toning, but for our health: for our cardiovascular systems, muscles, and metabolisms.

Below are some things I've tried when my motivation dwindles and it does really help.....

Treat your workouts like a standing appointment
If you write down your workouts in your daily planner or on a calendar, you’re more likely to view exercise as an appointment you can't break.

Customize your workouts based on your mood
Stressed? Try yoga or Pilates.( I love my pilates and magic circle. It is relaxing and you see results fast!)
By fitting the workout with your mood, you’ll increase your workout variety. And variety is vital to staying motivated.
Choose music that inspires you to get your feet moving: faster music (at least 140 beats per minute) for running, and a slower beat for Pilates or yoga. Upbeat lyrics can lift your mood and bolster your self-esteem

Make your exercise goals realistic!
According to Dr. John Raglin, professor of kinesiology at Indiana University, it takes the average adult 15 years to gain 10 to 15 pounds.You can't expect to loose weight too fast or tone up over night.
Guilt and weight loss are not effective motivators. Set small goals. Once you accomplish several smaller goals, you’ll be more likely to stay motivated
Never embark on a routine that you know you won’t stick with. Be practical !

Find an exercise buddy
Friends can hold you accountable and give you increased obligation not to skip your workouts. Find a friend to take a walk around your neighborhood, walk in your local mall, play tennis, go dancing.

Reward yourself
If you exercise three or four times in a given week, treat yourself. You deserve it! Take the time to reward yourself for a job well done.

If you experience exercise burnout, it might be hard to get back in the saddle. Sit down and ask yourself what caused your exercise program to fail. Were you bored? Did you quit when you didn’t reach your weight-loss goal? Do you have too many work and home commitments?
Once you realize what caused you to fail, make a new exercise plan with realistic goals. You will gain new insight every time you fail. We all learn with failure, but try again. Believe in yourself !!

Every single woman in this world is beautiful in more ways than one! Become happy with yourself and stop comparing and competing with another woman. Have you ever looked at another female with envy? Saying to yourself...I wish I had her thighs, or I want a flat belly like 'her'.....Of course! We all have; chances are she has done the same thing. Challenge yourself the next time you catch yourself with negative thoughts; turn your envy into motivation.We all have our imperfections. NO ONE is perfect.

It’s not a bad thing to strive for self- improvement, but we need to make sure that the focus is on developing yourself rather than trying to become someone else. We need to pursue goals that make us happy and improve our quality of life.

Adopting fitness into our lifestyle will help us become stronger (both emotionally and physically) and in turn, positively impact all areas of life. Eat for energy and health, mix up cardiovascular exercise and weight training, and get yourself some sleep!

You try so hard- diet, exercise, not smoking..How do you stick with it? Dr. Josh will show you how..

Pilates for arms and shoulders

Pilates for buns and thighs

If you have a bad back like I do and can't do sit ups on the floor, try the bean. I have never experienced back pain using this. It puts you in the perfect position for almost any exercise. It has all the benefits of a stability ball, plus you are supported on a cushion of air.

Do you have any motivation tips to share?

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