Our Huge Pet Blogging Community will probably be overjoyed. This is a place for like minded pet lovers to gather and exchange photos or information. While I surf blogs, I am thrilled to come across someone who is a pet lover and has developed their blogs solely around animals. Whether it is to help those you cannot speak for themselves or write about the joys of pet ownership or bring awareness about cruelty, I am glad I am not alone in my sensitivity towards animals.
Animals are my weak spot and I realized a dream of mine many, many years ago.I had always wanted to work with animals and I got the chance to work for Animal Rescue Force here in New Jersey. It was a great experience for the 5 years with them, but honestly it became so stressful for me, I had to move on. I am still involved with animal welfare, but in a different capacity.
It's refreshing to see Anamigo trying to launch a site that allow others to feel comfortable in sharing or bragging and realize how important our babies are to us.
This site just may become the portal for 'everything animals'. They showcase blurbs of blogs dedicated to animals, have links regarding healthcare, pet services, pet friendly businesses and travel, animal welfare, pet stores and recreation. The adorable pictures of animals had me ahhhh'ing for awhile.
If you're a pet owner you may want to upload some of your babies pictures and brag alittle about your best friend. There is a difference between pet lovers and non lovers and at Anamigo, you can join a community with other like minded people.
This site currently in beta is probably looking for any suggestions for creating the best pet networking site possible, so if you have any ideas, drop them a line. So far, I don't have any two cents to contribute. I liked what I saw.
Here's a picture of my "baby" when she was 4 months old. She's 5 years older and 120 lbs heavier, but still has that adorable face.

I just joined mydogspace.com (a sidebar of myspace, I guess).. and it's very user friendly.. seeing this post about anamigo.com, I went their and registered too - It seems to be easy to use and I like that it allows the ability to have dogs and cats (I don't own horses, but having small critters too would be nice.. maybe I'll suggest it).
Thanks for the great link!
Hi Judi
Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Are you enjoying the site since you registered?
I hadn't heard about mydogspace. I'll have to check it out. THanks
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