A place to inspire, motivate and encourage by providing posts on self improvement, health, family, women (and men), life, prayer, poems, quotes of wisdom and share ideas about life.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Men Not Asking For Help
Your man can be driving the car and you're sitting there full well knowing that you're not heading in the right direction, but still...he continues driving as if he knows exactly where he's going. Meanwhile, you're getting quite impatient, maybe even running late to where ever it is your going, but do you dare suggest for him to stop and ask for directions?
While I was in the hospital, I came across a simular situation that made me burst outloud with laughter. At this poor man's expense I was so amused, but I needed that spot of light.
My doctor told me I had to walk the halls, so my mom came with me. Here I was looking all splendid in my hospital garb, attached to my IV pole, but we set out for a bit of exercise.
As we were walking, we came behind a man holding the hand of his 5 yr old daughter. They were obviously looking for a patients room. As we walked by each room, the man peered in. Not finding who he was looking for, he kept walking.
The hospital hall goes in a circle, so we were completing our first round. The man and the little girl still in front of us. We then hear...Daddy, where is she? I don't know, we'll find her...the Dad says.
Ok, by now my mom and I are snickering. This man passed the nurses station not only once, but twice! He just wouldn't stop and ask the nurses for help in finding who he was looking for.
As we made our third way around, I couldn't believe this man was still walking, peering in the rooms, looking for a patient. The little girl then said...we did this before Daddy, where is she?
By now, my mom and I looked at eachother and couldn't keep the laughter from escaping. My Mom then said excuse me to the man and suggested he ask at the nurses station for help. He looked at her like she had suggested something out of this world! It was just too funny.
Why is it that a man cannot ask for help or directions? It just amazes me...
Have you experienced such a situation where your man just wouldn't give in and ask for help? What did you do?
Monday, April 28, 2008
On The Road to Recovery...
I want to thank everyone, sincerely from the bottom of my heart who have continued to be supportive and wishing me well even in my absense. I wish I was able to send out a message to those writing and leaving comments, but I just was not up to it.
Of course, during my illness, my blogs were on my mind and wanted to so bady write and continue in the fashion that my readers had gotten used to, but it was just not possible.
Well, now that I am home and on medication, I hope I will be writing more and more. I am looking forward to recoverying and getting back to my normal way of living.
I have some funny stories that I want to share that I encountered while in the hospital. Those were bright spots in my gloomy days. I always try to be positive and look at the bright side of things or find something funny in a situation, so even while sick in the hospital, writing and sharing on my blogs was on my mind.
Thank you again for those continuing to visit and keeping tabs on me. Your thoughts have lifted my spirit, gave me strength and support. I am deeply touched...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Quotes Worth Sharing
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
~Eleanor Roosevelt
The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but are felt with the heart. ~Helen Keller
Recession is when a neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.
~Ronald Reagan
The worst prsion would be a closed heart.
~Pope John Paul II
To reach a port we must sail... sail, not tie at anchor, sail,,,, not drift.
~Franklin Roosevelt
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
~Benjamin Franklin
Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
~Winston Churchill
The boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave.
~Thomas Jefferson
Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.
~George Washington
If you can dream it, you can do it.
~Walt Disney
The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.
~Abraham Lincoln
Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
~Martin Luther King Jr.
A good head and a good heart is always a formidable combination.
~Nelson Mandela
Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
~Albert Einstein
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
~Henry Ford
Great quotes from the great quotes movie. View more HERE
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Count Your Blessings
My mom was with me and sitting there for hours, you can't help yourself but you start to 'people' watch. I'm sure we are all guilty of doing that. Sometimes it provides entertainment and sometimes there are lessons learned. And sometimes, you realize you should count your blessings.
We were sitting with people of different races and different cultures. One couple in particular upset many in that emergency room that day. I am not even sure what nationality or country this couple was from, but their culture clearly made women inferior. This woman who was pregnant was in fear of losing her baby. Her husband(I assume) made sure she sat without speaking a word. She did not move without the consent of her husband. Her clothing only revealed her eyes, but even still, you could see this woman was young.
When the nurse called for her and motioned for her to sit in the wheel chair, her husband said..."No, Make her walk". The nurse boldly stated that it was hospital policy she be taken by wheel chair. Again, the man, said "NO..she will walk". The woman with her head lowered continued to walk, holding her large belly,obviously in pain. The nurse, not giving up, stated one more time in a louder voice. "I'm sorry sir, but it is hospital policy and she will sit in this wheel chair".
By this time, everyone in the ER had their eyes on this couple. You could actually feel the tension rise. After a moment, the man eventually said..."Ok...SIT". The woman sat and was wheeled away. Everyone in that room crossed eyes with everyone else. Not a sound or word was heard,but silently I think we felt the same thing.
This couple may be in America, but their culture is still observed. This woman only knows the culture in which she was raised.
I felt sadness.
Being in a hospital is a humbling experience. No matter what problem you have, whatever stress you are under, whatever health concern you have... remember there is always someone... somewhere suffering greater than you.
Count your blessings...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A Bit of Bad News & A Bit of Good News
I went to the specialist today and he's keeping me out of work for the rest of the week. I was out of work all last week too. Until we receive results of additional testing, he can't prescribe the correct medication.
The doctor will not conclude I have Crohn's. Colitis...yes, but due to the inflammation, the results from the tests I did have, can mimmick Crohn's. My fever is still present, which wipes me out. Feeling pretty tired and runned down. All I want to do is sleep. He did give me something for the pain and cramping, which is a relief.
I've missed posting on my blogs and I hope to get back to a more regular schedule real soon.
This is actually tooting my own horn, but it brought a little bit of light to me today and I needed that.
I had posted in February (Feeling So Honored) about an online women's magazine inviting me to submit articles for consideration in their spring issue after they viewed this blog.
The name of the magazine is Sibyl...for the Spirit and Soul of woman. I was sent the April/May issue today and followed the link. I was enjoying the articles contained within. As I scolled to the next page and then the next...I suddenly saw MY Words. One of my articles was accepted and included in this issue.
There I was... my smiling face at the end of the article with A Circle Of Women mentioned ! That surely came at a good time...
Here's the link... http://clck.com/jmmg/SLE/SIBYL_MAGAZINE_APRILMAY_issue.pdf
My article is on page 27.

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