A place to inspire, motivate and encourage by providing posts on self improvement, health, family, women (and men), life, prayer, poems, quotes of wisdom and share ideas about life.

Friday, January 30, 2009
A Must Read Inspirational Story
Why is it that we 'remember' while reading something or watching a movie that touches us that we should not take things for granted? To realize things are not really greener on the other side...To remember to love, be kind, live an honest life, treat others respectively and with a kind heart. We may remember for a short time, but then we forget...until the next time something crosses our path in which we remember again. I am sure we all do this. Why? Why can't we remember ALL the time...?
Unfortunately, for some, it takes a sad moment or an illness or losing a loved one to remember. I truly wish no one must go through a sad experience to remember how important life is...that life is a gift and we should not take it for granted or our loved ones.
In case you have forgotten...here's a
Story to live by...
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages
came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.
He asked her,'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The
girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The
sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected
that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to
refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her
saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before
they were yours, they were mine.'
This is how the human brain often works when our status changes.
Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who
was always by their side in the most painful situations.
Life Is a Gift
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone
who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone
who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died
too early on this earth.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who
desires children but they're barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or
sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning
another - Remember that not one of us is without sin.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on
your face and think: you're alive and still
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Some Fun & Interesting Facts
If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died because of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, John Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2, but the last signature wasn't added until 5 years later.
Q. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?
A. Their birthplace
Q. Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most popular boat name requested?
A. Obsession
Q. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter 'A'?
A. One thousand
Q. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers have in common?
A. All were invented by women.
Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil?
A. Honey
Q. Which day are there more collect calls than any other day of the year?
A. Father's Day
In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes, the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase ... 'Goodnight, sleep tight'
It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon.
In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England , when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them 'Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.'
It's where we get the phrase 'mind your P's and Q's'
Many years ago in England , pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle, of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service. 'Wet your whistle' is the phrase inspired by this practice.
Friday, January 23, 2009
A Thank You Link Love Post
Link love to all the Entrecard droppers who happened to find my blogs this month. I may not be a dedicated Entrecard dropper myself, but believe me, your visits do not go unnoticed. I appreciate the 'drops' and the requests to add your widgets to my blogs.
My communities, My Blog Log and Blog Catalog have enabled me to connect with such wonderful people who I may not have 'met' otherwise. You are all such a treasure.
Learn This, My second trial
I'm Abi, Sam Speak
how much love, Blog It Up!!!
Colloquium, Life,According To Christopher,
HealthEagle, Step Away From The Cake
Hamida the Herbalist
Green Fitness World
igoddess.mobi, MAMA THINKS, Losing It - Getting Fit
iGoddess.com, Funny Pictures of the day, Mom Two Ways
The Lounge of Pictures, Gunadarma Xmalang Research Groups, Perspective
Bargain Central, KuTenk 2000 , Traffic and SEO
0-Cotojo 1-Lisa 2-Deborah 3-Pearl 4-Sandy 5-Jesse 6-Chris 7-Zubli 8-Santa 9-BlogElf 10-Jackie 11-Marzie 12-Adrian 13- 15-NAFASG 14-PolliwogFrog 15-Sue 16-Kathy 17-Maartje 18-Morgan 19-Greg 20-MaryAnn 21-Eric 22-Hawk 23-Carol 24-Diane 25-EvNucci 26-Surjit 27-Kuanyin 28-ChristyZ 29-Sandee 30-Robin 31-Hanna 32-Maunie 33-Kim 34-Bobby 35-Billy 36-David 37-Jennifer 38-Aryst 39-Winston 40-Christy 41-LilyRuth 42-Jess 43-Rudy 44-Lynda 45-Lili 46-SandyG 47-Ange 48-BlackWyrm 49-Vincent 50-Colin&Anne 51-BlandlyUrbane 52-Marco 53-Mihaela 54-John 55-Aziz 56-Ugyen 57-Lansy 58-Alex 59-Victors 60-Nostalgia 61-Franco 62-Herby 63-Rubie 64-Santaram&BVK 65-Jean-David 66-Namgay 67-Catherine 68-Yunita 69-PJLighthouse 70-Lorimer 71-DreamCatcher 72-Fred 73-Anja 74-MariaLourdes 75-JonB 76-Aayush 77-Denise 78-Dharmendra 79-BrentD 80-Jerry&Daryl 81-BrianB 82-Calvin 83-Pieter 84-Jessica 85-Taflas 86-Alex 87-Norie 88-Justin 89-Ashish 90-David 91-Thanate 92-Kevin 93-Etienne 94-Gerbera 95-Christina 96-AbhishekD 97-Uprai 98-TexasJam 99-Azmiel 100-Daniel 101-Kristin 102-Luwis 103-Adavait 104-NowSourcing 105-BuenAmigo 106-Kiran 107-Peterson 108-Lynn 109-Chessnoid 110-LuisHipolito 111-Joliveira 112-Jennifer&Pete 113-TeamDog 114-Megan 115-Mark 116-Raivyn 117-Mel 118-Andrea 119-Jen 120-Mimi 121-Bobo 122-Lynda 123-DreadBob 124-Julie 125-RennyBA 126-Bobbarama 127-Becky 128-Magdalena 129-Michelle 130-Stacie 131-ClimateTeam 132-CashMarble 133-OilOffShore 134-Piper 135-Barbara 136-Ann 137-Deb 138-Headbanger 139-Danny 140-Morina 141-Aira 142-Jericho 143-Jeane Michelle 144-Breigh 145-SecretMind 146-Awannabe 147-Gerri 148-Colin 149-eRocker 150-Kitty 151-Mariuca 152-Donna 153-Babyshern 154-Sanni 155-SatoNa 156-Cyn 157-Nessa 158-Steve 159-Francisco 160-Em 161-Christo 162-Riccardo 163-Naren 164-Denise 165-KingTang 166-El 167-Francesco 168-Bella 169-Chris 170-Fe 171-Jim&Emma 172-Incinq 173-Cristian 174-Matson 175-Kiwipulse 176-Sean 177-Anne 178-Xerendipity 179-Omega 180-Debra 181-SJ 182-Joseph 183-Nikki 184-Pocholo 185-BloggerNoob 186-Filot 187-Aseem 188-Mark 189-Antonio 190-Henry 191-Jamiz 192-Tamsyn 193-EverydayWeekender 194-JustMe 195-Brent 196-Ink 197-Alan 198-Debbie 199- BlueRibbonBloggers 200- Many Pieces of Life201- A Circle of Women 202- Rod 203- Michael 204-Ted 205-Vice 206-Dave207-Jeff 208-Jon 209-Michael madang.com RamblingMoo.com, 143-blogginginmypyjamas, 144-StylewithPassion,145-Chinneeq, 146-Dora-zooropazoo, 147-Babyshern,148-HiPnCooLMoMMa 149-Rachel’s Soulful Thoughts 150-When Silence Speaks, 151-Dancing in Midlife Tune, 152-Underneath it All, 153- I am Dzoi, 154-Hobbies and Such, 155-moms…..check nyo, 156-Choc Mint Girl, 157-Amel’s Realm, 158- My Thoughts, 159-Rusin Roundup, 160-Juliana’s Site, 161-Max, 162-Rooms of My Heart, 163-A Great Pleasure, 164-LadyJava’s Lounge, 165-Jesie, 166-Steven, 167-Trinity, 168-Leena, 169-Nick, 170-Nessa, 171-Debbie Dolphin, 172- Anna t, 173-krrey_boo, 174-Logic, 175-Steve Ho, 176-Virtual Entrepreneur, 177-WalksFarWoman, 178-Anna, Beth & Cory’s Mom, 179-Toon, 180-Belinda181-EPSpeaks, 182-Teacher Julie 183-jafajfer, 184-pmonchet, 185-Aslan, 186-arouetvoltaire ,187-Tanny, 188-Il vaso di Pandora, 189-Non Lineare, 190-Omniamundamundis, 191-LineaNeuronica, 192-Semplicemente Lisa 193-la penna che graffia 194-Angelbaby, 195-Divya,196-Cyn, 197-Donna, 198-Liudmila, 199-djeblog, 200-Gracie Belle, 201-Reverend Ray, 202-Walter Winstuff, 203-Denny, 204-Terry (mee mOe), 205-awannabe, 206-Z.S., 207-Il Gnagnera, 208-Kevin Grieves, 209-DatCurious, 210-DatMoney, 211-Sanni, 212-Rolando’s Quiet Space, 213-SatoNa , 214-Levian , 215-21Knots, 216-PuTLie, 217-Riciard’s, 218-Darlene, 219-Rantings of a Woman, 220-La Place de Cherie , 221-Enjoying The Ride, 222-A Window To Our World, 223-Juliana, 224-Retchel’s Pure Life, 225-We Are Family, 226-Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 227-Echoes of Life, 228-My 3 Boys and I,229-Mammagatta, 230-Juliana’s Lair, 231-Bless Sanctuary, 232-Confessions of An Army Wife , 233-Jean’s my So-called Life, 234-So cute tiny pixels, 235-Denz Techtronics Blog, 236-Wanna Be On Top!, 237-Carpe Diem, 238-My so-called Life, 239-TEEBOB, 240-Kikay, 241-Alaverde33, 242-CC’s Lifestyles and Reviews, 243-Pinay’s Lifestyles, 244-Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 245-The Creativity Of Me, 246-OzLife 247-Scattered Thoughts of Mine, 248-Another Journal of Mine, 249-My Drama, 250-By The Way, 251-Paul, Toni and Lance - Bridging the Distance, 252-Live Love Pink, 253-In The Lance’s Mind, 254-My Life, 255-Rants and Ramblings, 256-WorldBlog, 257-Our Journey to Life, 258-Simply the best, 259-Paul and Toni, 260-Alpha’s Blog, 261-because life is fun, 262-The Simple Life of a Baghag, 263-Rose DesRochers, 264-Sweet Lullaby, 265-AnitoKid, 266- Lisa WAHM, 267-Ben Spark268-Kesa, 269-Mauro, 270-Sindi 271-Alianorah, 272-Jennie, 273-CTN,274-Jeremy, 275-Polliwog’s Pond, 276-Yvette, 277-Ali (DorisDay), 278-Rodney, 279-Alice,280- WBAustin, 281-Max, 282-Rodney 283-Karen, 284-Michelle, 285-Stacy 286-SvenMarin, 287-CoolingStar9, 288-Billy Jack, 289-bbrian, 290-Cris Zimermann, 291-Franx, 292-Ramil, 293-JaniceNW, 294-Cathrina Jones 295-Bels, 296-Raman, 297-Jeques, 298-NPSG, 299-Anndi, 300-Georganna, 301-Jeane Michelle Culp, 302-Sam Chan, 303-Kumowai 304-SheliaA Lil Sumptin Sumptin, Blogging Mix Dr Housing Bubble, Irvine Housing Blog, Missylicious, St Vincent’s Hospital, The Homeless Guy, The Laidback Buddhist, The Simple Dollar, Untwisted Vortex, Urbnlivn, Web Urbanist, Z blog, Emma Alvarez, Internet Marketing Mind, Untwisted Vortex, Bush Mackel, FiddyP, WarriorBlog, Diana’s Place, Shana Albert, Abstract Promotion, Black Tennis Pros, dcr Blogs, The Writer’s Manifesto, Sabrina’s Money Matters, The Diva Network, BlogIn Diversity, windyridge, cookingwithcorey, jcrewaholic, ladybugteaco, musicunbound, seecoreyrun, wfdinfo
Mine To Remember
The Herbalist
Rebecca's Shared Insights & Questions
My Beautifully Brilliant Life
My Private Couch
Spicy Safari ~The Flavor of Life
Space of Reality
Your Caring Angels
Healthy Aging
Whew...that is a long list. I do hope I haven't left anyone out. If I did, please excuse me...it was not intentional.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Review of Free Tele-Seminar ~ Call 1
I did take advantage of Part 1 and sat in on this tele-training. I felt is was an hour spent wisely. Truthfully, I had heard many of the things she spoke about, but she had a different approach to explaining things, which gave you a renewed feeling of inspiration and/or motivation. I think we all could use that reinforcement now and then.
Ms. Deuber offered something that she presented in a much different way than I was used to. She spoke about the 4 Realms of Business Success: Vision, Mindset, Strategy and Action. These four parts flow into one another. If one section is off…meaning out of balance or you being stuck and not moving forward, non of the other 3 parts will function properly. Within each of these four parts are sub-divisions
Vision: Dreams, Passions, Purpose, Inspiration, Contribution
Mindset: Beliefs, values, Inner Dialogue, Language, Emotion
Strategy: Planning, Skills & Knowledge, Scheduling, Tools, Alignment
Action: Accountability, Effort, Assessment, Correction, Daily Habits
Say you started with Vision…If you are not sincere in your dreams, passions, purpose, inspiration or contribution…how could you move on to Mindset, Strategy or Action? How can you succeed? Or move forward? If you absolutely do not believe in your dreams, passions, purpose, inspiration or contributions, you will not have the motivation or willingness to accomplish any of your goals . Isn’t that why so many people loose interest in something? They just don’t have the passion to continue…it fades into nothing and then they wonder….what happened?
Ok… take Strategy…you already feel you have the ‘vision’ and the mindset and you continue onto Strategy. You think you have that down, but then you’re feeling stuck…things in your business aren’t where you want them to be. You’re not sure what tools can help you. You did not believe in or write down your Plan. Because the Realm of Strategy is off balance, you can’t move forward to take “action”.
I think this is a great tool not only for business, but in our personal life too. Whatever it is we want to be successful in….business, goals, breaking habits, relationships and so on. To be successful, we must give 100% in each of these 4 Realms, which includes each subdivision.
I personally am going to write these 4 Realms (including sub-divisions) within a circle, cut it out and place it where I can see it at least once a day. It can be a daily reminder and also encouragement to make the best of each day and motivate to complete each part successfully. To have one, you must have the other… to move forward and be successful, you ‘need’ the other realms. All 4 must be in balance.
I am not sure if you can still register for Part 2 of this tele-seminar. You may want to check it out, by going HERE
Part 2 of this tele-seminar will include:
· What two elements you absolutely must have in place to thrive in 2009
· The four stages of business growth and why they are essential to your success
· Where to invest your time and resources for the greatest return
· Three low-cost strategies that every business owner should harness
· The top three mistakes business owners make when executing their plan
I will have access to the recordings of these two tele-seminars. If anyone is interested, please contact me at: andrea@acassociatesusa.com and I will give you the link. I do believe this is time spent wisely if you allow yourself the opportunity.
Remember, these same tactics can be used in all areas of your life., so if you’re thinking it’s of no use to you because you do not have your own business…you’re wrong.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
It's being labeled as a sharing site.
Acobay lets their members join for free and connect with one another by their "stuff", meaning their shared interests. You add to your wishlist, topic or anything else you want to share and find others who are interested in the same thing.
Another free resource to use as promotion of yourself, your blog, website, products or services.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Friday Nite Humor
This joke found it's way into my 'inbox' and I did chuckle outloud. You don't have to own a cat to appreciate this or even like them. Hope you enjoy this one~
We were dressed and ready to go out for the New Years Eve Party. We turned on a night light, turned the answering machine on, covered our pet parakeet and put the cat in the backyard.
We phoned the local cab company and requested a taxi. The taxi arrived and we opened the front door to leave the house.
The cat we had put out in the yard, scoots back into the house. We didn't want the cat shut in the house because she always tries to eat the bird.
My wife goes out to the taxi, while I went inside to get the cat. The cat runs upstairs, with me in hot pursuit. Waiting in the cab, my wife doesn't want the driver to know that the house will be empty for the night. So, she explains to the taxi driver that I will be out soon,
'He's just going upstairs to say Goodbye to my mother.'
A few minutes later, I get into the cab. 'Sorry I took so long,' I said, as we drove away. 'That stupid bitch was hiding under the bed. I had to poke her with a coat hanger to get her to come out! She tried to takeoff, so I grabbed her by the neck. Then, I had to wrap her in a blanket to keep her from scratching me. But it worked! I hauled her fat ass downstairs and threw her out into the back yard!'
The cab driver hit a parked car.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Conquer Your Addiction
Some people who are suffering with an addiction to a substance fail to recognize this fact. They go on living ...well, addicted.They fail to see how living this way causes harm to not only themselves, but those around them. Maybe they get a wake up call by way of some negative happening, but what do they do next?
First, I think a person has to admit they do have a problem. Next, they have to truly want to help themselves. I know a few people who decided to try to quit their addiction by themselves. Sometimes this does work and sometimes it does not.
Accepting or getting help is not a sign of weakness. I think If they are willing to get the help to heal themselves, it is something to be proud of.
If you know someone who is addicted to a substance and they do not know what to do, it probably is a good idea to have them seek the advice of a professional.A private drug rehab may be the choice many make to help with their healing.
Promises is such a place where a person can receive individualized care by a dedicated team of professionals. They provide an environment in which a person will feel safe and learn how to live in the real world without the addiction.
Treatments include cognitive-behavior therapy, family therapy, support groups,other individual therapy and counseling services which will strengthen the mind, body and spirit.
Taking the first step may be hard for a person living with an addiction, but in the end, it will be the best decision they will make. You can Conquer an addiction.
If you want to learn more on what you can expect from a private rehab like Promises, click Here
FREE Tele-Training 1/14 & 1/21
The 2 call training is entitled "Proactive Profits - How to strategize, plan and take action for your most profitable year yet."
I've already reserved my complimentary seat on the calls and want to encourage you to do the same. Do so right away though because space is really limited.
As Jane says, to ensure success in these economic times we must commit to two important things…
1) Growing personally so we can be more effective and
joyful in business and in life.
2) Working with a proven plan that keeps us focused on
taking the steps that will create the greatest results.
Here's what you do next…
To reserve your spot on Jane's f-r-e-e Tele-Training simply click on the link below.
You'll receive the call in details right away.
Click here to reserve your spot!
We can all use some inspiration and innovative strategies for making 2009 a great year. Let me know if you'll be on the call!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Register Your Number at DO NOT CALL
REMINDER... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies this week and you will start to receive sale calls.
I know everyone has a job to do and I don't have a bad word to say about anyone being a telemarketer, but...getting several calls a day or more, is a bit much.
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008
You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.
After your number has been registered for 31 days, you will stop receiving telemarketing calls. If you do receive calls after this time period, you can file a complaint by going to: www.donotcall.gov
Friday, January 9, 2009
Banking Lesson ~ Conclusion
First, let me back up to the events leading to this happy ending. I spoke with a customer service representative of the bank who after not being able to answer why on their online banking site, the check in question was listed as being posted on the 26th and not the 24th as they insisted, she accused me of tampering with their online banking website. Can you imagine? I was so furious, I just hung up the phone.
Instead of faxing the complaint to the FDIC right away, I decided to fax the complaint to the VP of The Provident Bank. Of course I included the details of the accusation that I tampered with the Banks website.
Well, within 20 minutes of faxing that complaint, I received a phone call from the assistant to the VP. She apologized profusely, explained a few things that made things a bit more clear on how the bank operates as far as transactions go, but in the end, I did receive the credit I believed I deserved.
So...it helps to not give up when you believe in something. And not accept any ole answer you receive from a company. Sure this a whole mess took some time, but it was worth it.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
There is Such a Thing as Short Term Insurance
I just found out there is such a thing as Short Term Insurance. What I did by taking a chance was not the smartest decision, for you never know. I wouldn't suggest others follow my lead. You should always cover yourself and your family with medical insurance. Accidents and illness happens and when you least expect it. Medical care is quite expensive and the security of having medical insurance helps with costs.
MultiNational Underwriters at http://www.mnui.com/ offers the Amigo Short Term Medical Plan, which is temporary insurance in your time of need. I sure wish I had known about this earlier.
This company is a full service organization which offers many insurance products to address the needs of consumers worldwide: Short term travel insurance, US citizens and non citizens working or living abroad, International students Insurance are just a few examples. You can chat live with one of their representatives for more information or request a Free quote for short-term coverage.
If you are in a situation where you may find yourself without insurance such as unemployment or in transition from one job to another or if like me, you are offered Cobra for another reason, here is an opportunity to protect yourself. You may also need insurance if you travel, but your regular insurance cannot cover you or for students continuing their education abroad this company should be kept in mind.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Banking Lesson ~ Pay Close Attention to Your Account Details
I use the toll free automated account information my bank offers almost on a daily basis to make sure all is well. I guess it became a nervous habit since the identity theft situation.
On Friday I had a dispute with my bank. I knew my balance was wrong for some reason and when I called the bank, they said a 'fee' was taken out of my account because it was overdrawn when a check was presented. I knew that wasn't true, so I looked further into this situation.
Calling the bank again, I received the most ridicules response. I was told the automated system is not current for debit card use and I shouldn't depend on that for current balance information. What? Why would a bank then offer such account information? I depend on my bank to give me 'current' information. Then it was suggested that I use my ledger to keep track of my transactions. Duh...Thank you for the advice... I do, but I also have everything in my head. That is why I knew something wasn't right with my balance. I use my debit card for most of my transactions. Writing checks only about once or twice a month. And, I happen to know that debt card purchases ARE immediately taken from your account.
Anyway, not caring for the silly replies I was receiving, I spoke to a manager, who insisted I was overdrawn when a check was presented on 12/26. um...I have a deposit slip from the same day showing hundreds of dollars. How is this possible? The manager suggested I use their online banking to actually see the transactions that have posted, are pending etc..., which affect my balance.
I was a bit leary to do this due for fear of identity theft, but I thought... let me see what this manager is speaking about. It was the best thing I did! I was able to find not only one mistake, but TWO!
The check that supposedly overdrawn my account on the 26th, the bank took the fee out on 12/24...um, wait a minute. Then they took another fee out on the 26th. I couldn't believe it. The online banking was showing a positive balance on the 24th, why take out a fee? Meanwhile, looking at the deposits, I noticed they had me in arrears online on the 26th (even though there were 3 deposits on that day).I also had in my hand, a deposit slip showing a balance with hundreds of dollars from that same day.
I got in my car Saturday and headed to the bank with a print out of the online banking and my deposit slip. The woman at the bank didn't know what to say, but did offer that what they look at on their screen, is different than my online banking.
What????? Is she now saying that not only is the automated information not current, but the online banking system isn't either??? She said the check was really presented on the 24th even though it states otherwise on the online system. It really doesn't matter because there was money in my account either day. I was questioning the fees taken from me.
She couldn't put back the fees in my account until it was approved from her supervisor, who of course wasn't working that day. Now it has to wait until tomorrow.
The lesson here and my suggestion to all is to really pay attention to your account details. So what if it takes alittle extra time. There are possibilities of error. And I'd much rather have the money in my pocket than give it to companies for errors 'they' cause. Those fees removed from my account amount to over $70...Can you imagine the money that bank makes if they do this to even half their customers nationwide????
Be smart...be on top of things and don't just settle for explanations the company gives you. If something doesn't sound right or make sense, dig further until it does.
PS: The bank I'm speaking about is The Provident Bank and if they do not immediately put back those fees on Monday, I will be making a complaint with my State Banking and Insurance Department, so they can look into my banks unique practices. I have proof in black and white, so I doubt there will be any problems.

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